61. Why
is greater length of the potentiometer wire used?
As the
potentiometer is based on the principle that the potential
difference V across a portion of the wire is directly proportional
to the length l of the portion of the wire i.e.
Potentiometer follows a null method. So, grater the length, the smaller is the
potential gradient. The distance of the null position will thus increased which
gives more accuracy in measuring emf. Hence, longer the wire, greater is the
sensitivity of the potentiometer so greater length of the potentiometer is used.
62. Why
should the cross-section of a potentiometer wire be uniform?
For the
accuracy in the measurement using potentiometer, potential
gradient throughout the length of potentiometer wire must be
same. The uniformity of the potentiometer wire ensures a
constant value of resistance per unit length which results its
potential gradient throughout its length will be same and there
will be accuracy in the measurement using that potentiometer.
63. Is it
true that Seebeck effect is the resultant of Peltier and
Thompson effect? Discuss.
Yes, it
is true that Seebeck effect is the resultant of Peltier and
Thompson effect. Let us consider a Fe-Cu thermocouple in
which if one junction is kept at higher temperature than
other then it shows both Peltier and Thomson effect. For Fe,
the direction of Thomson emf is from hot to cold junction
and in Cu the direction of Thomson emf is from cold to hot
junction. The electric field field due to Peltier effect at
both the junctions are from Cu to Fe. The resultant of these
two emf in the closed circuit is the Seebeck effect.
64. How does
thermoelectric emf change in a thermocouple when the temperature
of the hot junction is changed?
the cold junction of a given thermocouple is kept
constant at 00C
and the hot junction temperature θ0C
is varied, the thermoelectric emf E is found to vary as
where a & b are constants.
It give rise to a parabola shaped curve. At a certain temperature it becomes
maximum and that temperature is called neutral temperature. On further
increasing temperature it decreases and becomes again zero. After this
temperature emf is negative, which is called inversion temperature.
65. What do
you mean by thermoelectric series? Write down the series.
Seebeck arranged a large number of metals in the
form of following series such that if any two of
them form a thermocouple, the current will flow from
the metal earlier in series to the metal later in
series through cold junction.
Fe, Zn, Ag, Au, Mo, Cr, Sn, Pb, Hg, Mn, Cu, Co, Ni & Bi
This series of arrangement of the above metals is known as the thermoelectric
66. Why is
Sb-Bi thermocouple preferred to Fe-Cu thermocouple?
For a given temperature difference between the
two junctions, the magnitude of thermo-emf
produced by thermocouple will be maximum, if two
metals forming thermocouple are spaced more
apart in thermoelectric series. The
thermoelectric series is given as:
Sb, Fe, Zn, Ag, Au, Mo, Cr, Sn, Pb, Hg, Mn, Cu,
Co, Ni & Bi
Here, Sb-Bi thermocouple are spaced more than Fe-Cu thermocouple. So, maximum
thermo-emf can be produced by Sb-Bi thermocouple. Hence, Sb-Bi thermocouple is
preferred to Fe-Cu thermocouple.
67. Is
electrolysis possible with alternating current? Why?
No, electrolysis is not possible with
alternating current since the direction of
current changes periodically which prevents
the ions reaching towing electrodes
(positive ions flow towards cathode whereas
negative ions flow towards anode). So,
electrolysis is not possible with
alternating current.
68. Is Ohm’s
law obeyed in copper and water voltameters?
Yes, Ohm's law is obeyed in copper
voltameter because in copper voltameter,
there is no back emf to oppose & the
relation between the potential
difference and current gives the
straight line which follows Ohm's law.
In case of water voltameter,
no current flows through it when back emf is greater than the emf of the source.
But when the emf of the source is greater than back emf then the net emf is
obtained which when relates with the current gives the straight line. Hence,
water voltameter obeys Ohm's law only when emf of source exceeds the back emf.
69. Why is
the conductivity of an electrolyte low as compared to that of a
The conductivity of an electrolyte
is low as compared to that of a
metal because of the following
1. As the electric current is
conducted by ions in the electrolyte
so the conductivity of ions depends
on the density of free ions. The
density of free ions in an
electrolyte is much less than that
of free electrons in metals.
2. The drift velocity of
ions is much less than that of the free electrons.
3. Resistance offered by
solution of ions is much less than that of free electrons.
70. Why does
the light of a torch glow dim when put on for a long time and
why does it begin to burn brightly when it is switched off for a
short time and then switched on?
A torch glows due to the
chemical energy of dry cell
converted into light energy
according to law of conservation
of energy. If current from a dry
cell is continuously taken,
polarization phenomena occurs &
the current drawn by torch will
be less. Hence, the light of a
torch glow dim when put on for
long time.
If it is switched off for a
short time then the hydrogen gas resulted due to polarization is oxidized by the
use of MnO2. Hence, a torch burn brightly when it is switched for a short time
and then switched on.
71. Why do
oppositely charged ions not combine in the electrolyte to form
neutral molecules?
Ions are formed when the
electrolyte is dissolved in
water. So, due to the
ionization process, the
electrolytes dissociates
into its component ions in
the solution. The total
number of positive ions is
always equal to the number
of negative ions in the
solution. As a result of
which the whole solution
remains neutral. But, when
electrolyte is dissolved in
water then water also
dissociates into its
component ions i.e. hydrogen
ion ( positive ion) and
hydroxyl ion ( negative ion)
into some extent. Positive
ions and negative ions are
attacked by hydroxyl ions
and hydrogen ions of water
which results in the erode
of the electrolytes. So,
oppositely charged ions do
not combine in the
electrolyte to form neutral
Why the lines of force in an electric field start at the +ve
charge and terminate at the -ve charge?
It's purely by definition. It was originally thought that
the 'body' that carried electric charge in a current
conducting wire was positive, but of course we all now know
that that body is the electron which carries a negative
charge. So in fact, if we say a current is flowing from left
to right, what we actually mean is that negatively charged
electrons are moving from right to left.
Lines of force don't REALLY start at the +ve charge and end
on the -ve charge! In fact, we don't know what way they go -
they might be going the opposite way. So, to make sure that
everyone agrees with them travelling in a certain direction,
we define what an electric field line is.
We define it as 'The line along which an isolated positive
charge would move if it were free to do so'. Now, if you
consider the situation with like charges repelling and
unlike charges attracting, that must mean that if you start
with a positive charge and a negative charge separated by a
distance, and then place another positive charge beside the
first one, it will be repelled by this -ve charge and
attracted by the negative charge. So, the direction in which
this single positive charge will move is from positive to
But this is only a convention adopted by scientists so that
everyone is talking about the same thing. If you plot the
magnetic field of a magnet using Iron Filings, you see
'lines' going from one pole of the magnet around the other.
But there are no arrows showing you the actual direction.
So, scientists agreed that to keep everyone talking about
the same thing, that magnetic lines of force should travel
from North to South. It is exactly the same for electric
field lines and the definition of a magnetic field line is
almost exactly the same as that of an electric field line,
except it refers to isolated North Poles instead of isolated
+ve charges.
73. Why do clouds darken to a very deep grey just before it is
about to rain or prior to a heavy thunderstorm?
Clouds darken from a pleasant fluffy white just before rain
begins to fall because they absorb more light.
Clouds normally appear white when the
light which strikes them is scattered by the small ice or water
particles from which they are composed. However, as the size of these
ice and water particles increases--as it does just before clouds begin
to deposit rain--this scattering of light is increasingly replaced by
As a result, much less light reaches the
observer on the ground below and the clouds look darker.
Why is it that birds
are able to stand/sit on electrical power lines whereas if we
were to try this, we would be electrocuted?
Actually, if we were to sit on a power line and not touch
anything else like the birds do, we would not get electrocuted! The
reason for this has to do with the fact that current, a flow of
electrons, flows along a path of least resistance. The electrons
want to get to where they are going in the easiest possible way;
much like a person might walk on the sidewalk instead of the grass
because it is easier.
When a
bird sits on a wire and the electrons reach the part of the
wire where the bird is sitting, the electrons have two
options. They could go through the bird's feet and encounter
a large amount of resistance or they could go through the
metal. All metals are conductors which mean that electrons
flow through them easily. Because it is easier to travel
through the metal instead, the electrons don't go through
the bird's feet, so the bird stays safe.
The same thing would happen if a person sat on a wire and
the electrons would go through the wire instead of through
the person. If, however, the person reached out to a tree or
anything else connected with the ground, there is a new path
of lower resistance and the electrons would go through the
person to the ground, electrocuting him.
Where do electrons get the energy to travel at such high speeds?
Electrons are charged particles. That is, they carry an
electric charge. For this reason, they are influenced by
electric fields. More precisely, they are accelerated in an
electric field.
Since the mass of an electron is so very small compared with
objects of ordinary experience, electrons are accelerated to
very high velocities even by electric fields of only a few volts
[per meter].
For example, the electrons in orbit in an atom have been
accelerated through an electric field of only a few volts
created by the positively charged nucleus as they 'fall'
into the atom and are captured in orbit. Just these few
volts are enough, due to the extremely small mass of the
electron [mass of the electron is = 9.10938 × 10-31 kg], to
result in the electron attaining orbital speeds that, in
some cases, may be an appreciable fraction of the speed of
Put another way, the fact that electrons usually seem to
travel at very high speeds is not, as one might otherwise
think, an indication of great energy.
It is because the mass of the electron is so small that its
speed will be very great even when the electron has absorbed
only a very small amount of energy.
To be more precise, for a non-relativistic particle, the
speed v is given by
v =
where E is the kinetic energy and m the mass of the
particle. As you can see, if m is very small, v may be very
large for a modest energy E.
A comb run through one’s dry hair attracts small bits of paper,
When a
comb runs through one's hair, it gets charged or electrified
due to friction. It bears negative charge and when that comb
is brought near a piece of paper, the electron on each atom
of paper are repelled and positive charge being near to the
comb there is a force of attraction developed between the
comb carrying negative charge and paper.
It is difficult to produce charge on nylon rod if it is
rubbed between your fingers, why?
the human body is comparatively a good conductor with
respect to many other substances, if it is tried to
produce charge on nylon rod by rubbing it between the
fingers, it won't work. It is because the charge
produced in the nylon rod is conducted away through our
body to the earth (ground). Hence, it is difficult
to produce charge on nylon rod if it is rubbed between
your fingers.
78. An
iron chain is suspended from a vehicle carrying inflammable
materials. Why?
Vehicles carrying inflammable material have large
metallic tank. The tank gets charge due to friction
with air. As the charge cannot be transfer to the
ground because rubber tyres are insulator. Due to
huge charge and inflammable material, there is
chance of explosion. If an iron is suspended from a
vehicle then all the charges flow to the ground
which reduced the risk of the explosion. Hence, an
iron chain is suspended from a vehicle carrying
inflammable materials.
79. Why
are the tyres of aircraft made slightly conducting?
As the aircraft also contains large metallic
tank. The tank of the aircraft gets charge due
to friction with air. But dragging of a chain
like in vehicles is not possible in the
aircrafts. So, the tyres of aircrafts are made
slightly conducting in order to make flow of the
charge to the ground which reduces the risk of
the explosion of that aircraft. Hence, the tyres
of aircraft are made slightly conducting.
80. If a
person intends to produce high voltage on his body without
getting a shock, how can he do so?
If a person intends to produce high voltage
on his body without getting a shock. This is
only possible when he is not in contact with
the ground. That means he should have wear
shoe which behaves as an insulator so there
is blockage of the flow of the electrons
from his body to the ground i.e. earth.